> 春节2024 > 你过年是几号啊英语




To express the date of the Spring Festival in English, we can say \"What\'s the day of the Spring Festive?\" or \"The January 1 in lunar is the Spring Festival.\"


To answer when the Spring Festival starts, we can say \"When is the spring festival? It\'s in the lunar January the first.\"


1. Spring Festival (春节) can be expressed in English as \"SpringFestival.\" For example, \"The Spring Festival is drawing near.\" 2. The date of the Spring Festival can be expressed as \"lunar January the first.\"

英语翻译: 我们走亲访友, 每个人都理发, 红色意味着好运, 在...

1. We visited our relatives.2. Everyone gets a haircut.3. Red color symbolizes good luck.4. We wear new clothes.

帮忙翻译! 哈哈,今天是大年三十,很快春节就要来临了,我们一家...

Haha, today is the Eve, and the Spring Festival is coming soon. Our family has gathered in front of the television. We are looking forward to celebrating the festival together.

英语翻译: 春节时什么时候? 你们做好吃饭的准备了吗?...

1. When will be the Spring Festival?2. Are you ready for supper?3. The word \"learn\" means study.

新年是 New Year\'s Day 还是 Spring Festival? 一个是春节,一个是元...

In English, Spring Festival (春节) is China\'s traditional spring festival. New Year\'s Day (新年) is generally written as New Year. It refers to the foreign New Year, which is also known as January 1st. If someone simply says \"Happy New Year,\" they are most likely referring to the Western New Year\'s Day.


In written form, we can answer \"Today is December 22, 2007.\" In spoken form, we can say \"(Today is) the twenty-second of December\" or \"(Today is) December twenty-second.\"

你们过春节吗? 英语怎么说

Do you spend the Spring Festival? Do you celebrate the Chinese New Year? Do you celebrate the Spring Festival?
